📄️ Initial Quanta
After installation, initialize the framework by creating a basic setup. This step prepares Quanta to handle actions, routes, and components.
📄️ Components
Components are the heart of Quanta. They enable you to build modular, reusable parts of your application, such as headers, navigation bars, footers, or complex widgets. This modular approach ensures that your code remains organized, maintainable, and scalable.
📄️ Quanta Routing
Routing is a fundamental feature of any web application, and in Quanta, it provides a flexible and powerful way to map URLs to specific components or functions. Quanta's routing system is designed to be intuitive, highly customizable, and easy to extend, allowing you to define routes and their behavior in a way that fits your application's needs.
📄️ AssetHandler
The `AssetHandler` class is responsible for managing and rendering various types of assets (such as CSS links and JavaScript files) in your application. It supports adding, retrieving, and rendering assets, as well as handling assets loaded from an array. The class is designed to be modular, allowing it to work with different asset types, such as LinkAsset and ScriptAsset.
📄️ Modules
Modules in Quanta are used to encapsulate specific functionality, often related to a particular feature or service within the application. Modules can interact with various components, including routes, database, and actions. They provide a structure for organizing code and improving maintainability.
📄️ DatabaseHandler
The DatabaseHandler class in Quanta provides a simple abstraction layer for interacting with a MySQL database using PDO. It handles database connections, query execution, and fetching results. The class also provides methods to fetch the last inserted ID and directly access the PDO instance for advanced operations.
📄️ Loading Configurations
In Quanta, configuration files are used to store various settings for the application, such as assets, database credentials, or other parameters. These configurations can be loaded and parsed easily, allowing you to centralize and manage important values.
📄️ Example
In the example shown here we go into how Quanta can be used. Please have understanding for the fact that we show here only the start page. For a full view of the example page, please open it in Github